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Body Contouring

Book your Free Consultation

The Venus Legacy™ is a highly advanced non-invasive medical device that effectively resolves challenging face and body aesthetic needs, such as non-surgical circumferential reduction, cellulite reduction, skin tightening, and wrinkle reduction.

How it works

This unique technology combines Multipolar Radio Frequency and Magnetic Pulse Therapy (MP2) energies. These produce a dense and uniform heat matrix that boosts collagen synthesis and contraction, fibroblast proliferation, neovascularity and lipolysis.

This makes it easier to transport of vitamins, minerals and oxygen to the cells. It also helps your body better process the removal of toxins and waste materials by prompting the formation of new, tiny blood vessels. This all leads to the creation of dermal fibroblasts, which increase the number of collagen and elastin fibers.

  • Body Shaping

  • Cellulite Reduction

  • Skin Tightening

  • Wrinkle Reduction


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